6 Best Cordless Jigsaw Reviews 2022(Tried&Tested)

Top Pick
DEWALT 20V MAX Jig Saw, Tool Only (DCS331B) , Black
Runner Up
Makita XVJ03Z 18V LXT® Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw, Tool...
Best Budget
PORTER-CABLE 20V MAX* Jig Saw, Tool Only (PCC650B)
Great Quality
18V ONE+™ brushless jig saw
good Value
BOSCH 18-Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw Bare Tool...
DEWALT 20V MAX Jig Saw, Tool Only (DCS331B) , Black
Makita XVJ03Z 18V LXT® Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw, Tool...
PORTER-CABLE 20V MAX* Jig Saw, Tool Only (PCC650B)
18V ONE+™ brushless jig saw
BOSCH 18-Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw Bare Tool...
Top Pick
DEWALT 20V MAX Jig Saw, Tool Only (DCS331B) , Black
DEWALT 20V MAX Jig Saw, Tool Only (DCS331B) , Black
Runner Up
Makita XVJ03Z 18V LXT® Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw, Tool...
Makita XVJ03Z 18V LXT® Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw, Tool...
Best Budget
PORTER-CABLE 20V MAX* Jig Saw, Tool Only (PCC650B)
PORTER-CABLE 20V MAX* Jig Saw, Tool Only (PCC650B)
Great Quality
18V ONE+™ brushless jig saw
18V ONE+™ brushless jig saw
good Value
BOSCH 18-Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw Bare Tool...
BOSCH 18-Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw Bare Tool...
best cordless jigsaw

What do you keep in mind while buying power tools? Most craftsmen or DIYers prefer a power tool that combines power, precision, versatility, and ease of use. Probably this is why they choose cordless jigsaw above all. But it is very important to find out what is the best cordless jigsaw that works the best? Right!                                           

Read the below article for all your answer. Let’s roll. Indeed, the cordless jigsaw is a go-to tool that can make intricate cuts in metal, wood, and ceramic. Jigsaw’s annoying cord won’t come your way when you cut anymore.

Thanks to improved battery technology, it ensures optimum cutting performance with portability. However, a great cordless jigsaw lets you cut lumber just like a hot knife through butter. It gives you maximum control while making any design. Besides, you get the freedom to cut safely at any angle you prefer. You don’t have to stick to one place while working on your project.

Why Trust Us:

Like other power tools, the manufacturer also comes with a wide variety of battery-powered jigsaws. Most of them are from well-known brands, so choosing your desired one can be tricky. What if your chosen jigsaw does not work well with your next project? Nothing could be more annoying than this.

No worries. We’ll guide you with all the information you need to know to get a top-quality cordless jigsaw. Also, here we suggest a couple of the best options for you. Be with us to know more.

Top 5 cordless Jigsaw at a glance

6 Best Cordless Jigsaw reviews: Our Top Picks

Here are our 6 top cordless jigsaw reviews. Find out which one suits your budget and requirements.

DEWALT Cordless JigSaw- Top Pick

best cordless jigsaw

The top pick in our list without any doubt is Dewalt DCS331B i. You probably know that DEWALT has a reputation for offering quality tools. This Dewalt 20v jigsaw is no exception. Also, this is one of the best jigsaws to cut metal. This jigsaw power tool is its variable speed control, which ranges from 0 to 3000SPM. It gives you the maximum control to cut those heavy materials. Besides, this jigsaw requires a 20V lithium-ion battery, which you need to buy separately.

Moreover, this jig saw comes with a one-inch stroke length that lets you cut thicker material faster. The jigsaw accepts T-shank blades for assuring maximum holding power. It requires no tools for blade changing, so you can switch the blade without slowing down. This jigsaw allows you to choose from the four orbital speeds of the blade. So, you can adjust the blade settings for different materials like wet wood, plywood, plastic, etc. We also appreciate its metallic working parts.

Above all, it features a built-in dust blower, which blows the dust away from you. It includes an anti-slip grip for more comfort and safety as well. From several standard angles, you can get the optimum versatility for curved cuts.

Our Feedback: Overall, we must say this affordable jigsaw is powerful enough to withstand any professional applications. The best part is that this durable jigsaw lasts for longer.

[i2pc][i2pros]• Metallic working parts.
• Quick blade-changing mechanism.
• Comfortable and anti-slip grip.
• Optimum versatility.
• 4-position orbital action.
• Excellent dust blower.
• No battery and charger are included.
• Doesn’t come with LED light.[/i2pros][i2cons]• No battery and charger are included.
• Doesn’t come with LED light.[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Makita XVJ03Z 18V LXT Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw

best cordless jigsaw

Coming up next is Makita cordless jigsaw review XVJ03Z, one of the best professional jigsaws available nowadays. We had confusion for the first place between Dewalt vs Makita. Finally, we agreed to give 2nd place to this Makita cordless jigsaw. But both are equally excellent. This jigsaw is recommended for those who don’t compromise on precision. Although it’s a bit expensive, still a worthy and durable option.

This powerful jigsaw is powered by 18V lithium-ion batteries which charge quickly. With one charge, it lasts for longer. It features a two-finger speed control trigger that works excellent for safety and accuracy as well. Besides, it provides a variable range from 0 to 2600SPM. You can easily control the speed. It also allows faster and cleaner straight cuts using a 1″ blade stroke. Through three orbital settings, you can cut a variety of materials.

It allows you to adjust the bevel cuts at any angle up to 45o, which makes it perfect for miter cuts. You’ll also like its unique LED lights that make it easy for you to see the lines. The jigsaw also comes with a built-in dust blower to keep the area dust-free. Moreover, you can work without any break, thanks to its tool-less blade change option. Through computer monitoring, the saw stays safe, overheating, and overloading.

Our Feedback: Considering all these unique features, we must say it deserves to be in your tool collection. By spending an extra penny, you can get clean, precise, and quick cuts.

[i2pc][i2pros]• Fast and efficient operation
• Quality construction
• Clean and precise cuts
• Moderate speed control
• LED light for visibility
• Dust blower for easy maintenance[/i2pros][i2cons]• A bit pricey
• Quite heavy[/i2cons][/i2pc]

PORTER-CABLE PCC650 20V MAX Cordless Jig Saw- Best Budget

porter cable jigsaw

We have come to the point to pick the best budget-friendly tool. And, Porter-Cable PCC650B is our pick as the best budget-friendly option. As a beginner DIY worker or woodworker, you can not get anything better cheap and reliable than this tool.

But do not underestimate this tool for a cheap price, it delivers precise and smooth cut with powerful speed. It can deliver up to 2500 strokes per minute which is good enough for smooth fast cutting.

Also, it has a tool-free blade changing system. The handle is designed to give comfort and a strong grip for a long time. The responsive speed trigger and build-in dust blower give the ultimate please and comfort in work.

The variable 45-degree bevel gives you the freedom of making any kind of cut. Also, the three orbital settings males the complex cut easy and simple.

At this price, there is no better cordless jigsaw available in the market. Also, the durability, reliability, and customer review is quite outstanding as a budget-friendly tool.

[i2pc][i2pros]• Very much affordable
• great value of money
• Tool-free blade changing
• Up to 2500 strokes per minute
• Easy to handle and use
• Build-in dust blower
• responsive speed trigger[/i2pros][i2cons]Not ideal for very heavy use[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Ryobi 18-Volt ONE+ Cordless Brushless Jig Saw

ryobi cordless brushless jigsaw

Preview Product Rating
18V ONE+™ brushless jig saw 18V ONE+™ brushless jig saw No ratings yet

We have another budget-friendly option after the Porter-Cable PCC650B. Whether it is about price versatility or compact size, Ryobi 18v jigsaw one+ is above all else. It fits in any corner of your workshop where others cannot reach. It also comes with some excellent features, which make it a high-quality tool among all.

This Ryobi variable speed jigsaw is powerful enough to ensure the variable speed of max 3000SPM. It works with all the Ryobi 18v one+ batteries which give you a great versatile option. As it is a Ryobi brushless jigsaw, it gives an equal cutting performance like a corded jigsaw with portable battery power. With the orbital settings, you can control the speed to cut the woods with ease. It also allows you to cut softwood, hardwood, metal, and plastic.

Unlike others, it has graphics over the jigsaw, which allows you to show the settings. You can change them to get maximum accuracy even without the hassle of settings. The best part is that you can achieve straight cuts as well. It has an innovative Ryobi jigsaw blade server feature. It gives access to the unused teeth by an adjustable base. So, it increases blade life. Probably, Ryobi’s variable speed jigsaw offers maximum speed control for the user’s convenience.

Our Feedback:  Along with the low price, we must say it is also one of the safe jigsaws. You can get maximum control and ease of use.

[i2pc][i2pros]• Affordable
• Work with all Ryobi 18v One+ batteries.
• Maximum orbital settings
• Portable convenience of battery power.
• Variable speed dial.
• Innovative blade server feature.
• Adjustable base[/i2pros][i2cons]A bit tricky blade changing[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Bosch 18-Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Jig Saw JSH180B

bose jigsaw

Bosch JSH180B jigsaw is a great option for those who are looking for an all-rounder option. You can get unique shapes and an excellent cutting experience with this cordless jigsaw. The best part is that it comes with an anti-splinter insert for safe blade changing.

Moreover, this Bosch 18v jigsaw is operated with lithium-ion batteries to assuring more power. It is quite lighter and smaller than most jigsaws. Thus, this small jigsaw minimizes fatigue so you can use the tool for long. Unlike others in the list, it comes with a T-shank blade for making precise and accurate cuts. You can change the hot blade even without touching it, thanks to its innovative design. Its adjustable footplate enables bevel cuts up to 45o.

Its built-in dust blower and LED lights keep your cutting line visible and clear. Also, the jigsaw includes an electric motor and cell protection for added safety. You can store the tools into an onboard bevel wrench storage for easy portability and storage. Besides, you can easily match the cutting performance with your projects. Thanks to its four orbital action settings. Its 1-inch stroke length makes the jigsaw capable of cutting a variety of materials.

Our Feedback: Indeed, it is a more convenient, effective, and feature-complete jigsaw compared to others. All these things make it the best choice for DIY users.

[i2pc][i2pros]• Compact yet powerful design
• Enhanced battery life
• Excellent dust blower and LED lights
• Lightweight
• Motor protection features
• Hassle-free blade changing option[/i2pros][i2cons]• Some user found the motor a bit weak
• The battery cannot hold the charge well[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Milwaukee 2445-20 M12 Jig Saw

best cordless jigsaw

One of the less expensive and small jigsaws in our list brought to you by Milwaukee. Milwaukee 2445-20 jigsaw is popular among hobbyist DIYers. Possibly this is why you’ll find this handy tool in their workshop. This Milwaukee cordless jigsaw is compatible with a 12V battery, still powerful enough. This smaller battery jigsaw is the most compact on our list. That’s why it is much more portable and easy to use jigsaw you’ll find in the market.

Due to its compact size, you can use this jigsaw for doing precise cuts away from your workshop. This jigsaw can effectively cut softwoods without any rips. It also delivers 2800SPM to cut metal pipes, plastic, and thick plywood as well. This lightweight jigsaw includes a straight line along with a solid metal footplate. It gives maximum stability while doing any work. Moreover, the jigsaw features a rubber-coated handle for better handling of the tool. It accepts T-shank blades for ensuring precise cuts.

Furthermore, you can put the shoe at any angle up to 45o without any additional tools. Its built-in LED light is indeed an excellent addition. You can work even in low light conditions.

Our Feedback: In short, this compact yet powerful jigsaw is one of the easy-to-use jigsaws. Its simple design will catch your eyes for sure.

[i2pc][i2pros]• Compact yet powerful design
• Comfortable grip
• Affordable price
• Built-in LED light for better visibility
• Easy blade change
• Ease of use
• Solid metal footplate for enhanced stability
• Allows straight cuts[/i2pros][i2cons]• Doesn’t includes orbital action control
• Blades are not protected[/i2cons][/i2pc]

We also have reviewed the best circular saws under $150.Check it.

Cordless Jigsaw Buying Guide

. It seems like you have decided to buy one, wait a minute! Before you make any decision, there are some features you should consider. The following features are worth considering.


The first thing you should check is whether it provides enough power for your projects. The most cordless jigsaw comes with an 18 to 20V lithium-ion battery. The size and type of battery state how long you can use the tool with one charge. So make sure to buy a cordless jigsaw that provides enough power with one charge.

Blade Type

Mostly used cordless jigsaw blades are either T-shaped or U-shaped. If you choose the wrong blade then you cannot go far even with a powerful jigsaw. You must choose different blades for different projects. Like tungsten carbide blade is best for cutting ceramics.

Similarly, steel blades are best for cutting light materials, and bimetallic blades are suitable for cutting metal or hardwood. You should also check the TPI (Teeth per Inch) number in the blade. The lesser TPI is sufficient for soft materials, and the higher TPI is needed for harder materials.

Motor Speed

You should also check the speed of the motor, which is denoted by Strokes per minute. Battery jigsaw has maximum SPM ranges from 2600 to 3000. The higher the SPM, the more projects you can work on within a specific time. You’ll find some jigsaw that comes with multiple speeds. This jigsaw allows you to manage speed according to your needs.

Dust Collector

While making any cuts, it is necessary to keep the line clear and visible. So, make sure to choose a jigsaw that comes with a built-in dust collector. It will automatically keep the track clear so you can focus on your projects.

Tool-free Adjustments

Do you know what slows down your progress during a project? This is when you have to change the blade or bevel angle. So, you should go with a jigsaw that offers tool-free adjustments. This will minimize your hassle, and you can finish a job within a short time.


You can make your experience with jigsaw wonderful if you choose to focus on the grip. Make sure to buy a jigsaw that has ergonomic and cushioned handles. Also, most jigsaw offers anti-slip features for user convenience.


The main attraction of cordless jigsaw is its excellent portability. To carry the tool easily, it also has to be lightweight enough. That is because it determines how portable the jigsaw is! So, make sure to choose a jigsaw that you can carry for a long.

Other Features

Apart from the above, you should also check whether it has an LED light to make the line visible. Some jigsaw includes built-in blade storage which allows you to keep spare blades with you. Moreover, there are some safety features as well like quick-response stop and blade guard.


Who needs a jigsaw?

Jigsaw is mainly used for cutting shapes in woods like curves and templates. It offers both corded and cordless options for the user’s individual needs. Along with powerful corded jigsaw, cordless jigsaw comes a long way. Both the jigsaws are needed for a different purpose. Let’s know them.

Corded vs cordless jigsaw: Who needs a corded jigsaw?

Mostly corded jigsaw is best for those looking for a robust and reliable option. Once you plugged in the cord, you can get unlimited power in your work. Here is who needs a corded jigsaw;

  • Those who need to deal with more robust materials, including metal, ceramic, and hardwood. Since the corded jigsaw runs with a powerful electric motor, so it can easily cut sturdy materials. Also, it is required for those needs to cut multiple stacks of plywood.
  • It is ideal for those who prefer working on the benchtop, where the power outlet is within reach. You can get better service if it has a tool fixed underneath the work surface.
  • Corded jigsaw is ideal for people who deal with heavy-duty tasks. With reliable power, it let you work for longer.

Who needs a Cordless Jigsaw?

Cordless jigsaw also provides maximum performance without any hassle of cords. You are not restricted to a power outlet anymore with a cordless jigsaw. Here is who needs a cordless jigsaw;

  • Cordless jigsaw is recommended for those who have to work on both worksite and outdoor. With excellent portability with sufficient power, you can work anywhere you want.
  • It is also best for those who need to reach elevated areas. There is no cord so you can do ceiling or drywall work with ease.
  • If you are a DIY enthusiast, you possibly do lots of cuts in your home. So, this is ideal for people who do more occasional cuts at home. Whether it is about cutting drywall or replacing baseboard, cordless jigsaw gives more ease of cutting.

Which one is the best cordless jigsaw?

According to us, the Dewalt DCS331B is the best in the market right now. It is a very well built and high-quality model.

How thick a cordless jigsaw can cut?

A: It depends on the size of the blades. Most jigsaw includes a 4″-blade that allows you to cut woods around 3″ depth. It means whatever is the length of the blade, you’ll be able to cut 1″ thinner than the blade length.

What type of cuts can a cordless jigsaw make?

A: A battery-operated jigsaw can make both curved and straight cuts in a wide variety of materials. You can cut wood, plywood, particleboard, metal, plastic, and ceramic using a cordless jigsaw.

Can a jigsaw be cut in a straight line?

A: It can if you have a precise cutting line and a sharp blade to follow the route. Although cordless jigsaw is best for cutting curved lines, you can cut straight lines as well.

Can a cordless jigsaw be cut 2×4?

A: Jigsaws are not done for cutting square and straight cuts. But you can cut squares using a cordless jigsaw. All you need is a sharp blade, and you should not force the saw while cutting.

Is it worth buying a cordless Jigsaw?

A: Indeed, if you use the jigsaw for home-repair projects or outside projects. Also, when you need to make angle cuts on the workbench, the cordless jigsaw is a worthy option. The only problem you will face is the hassle of changing or charging batteries.

What is the role of the orbital action setting in a jigsaw?

A: Orbital cutting action ensures more aggressive and efficient cuts while dealing with thicker materials. If you choose the right orbital action setting, it will enhance the speed of the saw. Also, it increases the efficiency of the tool.

What are the orbital settings?

The blade of the jigsaw sways backward and forward at an angled link a pendulum. That is why you should change the blade angle to work with different materials. If you do not do so, the blade will overheat and damage. But if you change the orbital setting, it will reduce the friction. So the blade will not overheat.

Which one is better between jigsaw vs circular saw?

It really depends on the job you want to do with it. A jigsaw is smaller and lighter than a circular saw. Also, the jigsaw is not as powerful as a circular saw. The Circular saw is heavy and powerful as compared to the jigsaw. A Circular saw is designed for heavy-duty. You can cut thicker and harder wood very easily with a circular saw. It can cut thick wood very quickly through the line. Jigsaw is very ideal for wavy cuts.

Jigsaw is very ideal for small projects and speedy and perfect for cutting a small piece of wood or metal. Also, a jigsaw is safer than a circular saw as it does not produce as much as dust a circular saw. On the other hand circular saw is ideal to cut a thick very straight line. It is a very ideal tool for construction work.

Safety Tips for Using Cordless Jigsaw

Although cordless jigsaw is a handy tool, nevertheless you have to be careful as well. There is a chance of accidents due to the compact size of this tool. If you follow the safety regulations for this tool, you can use it safely. Make sure you follow these.

  • Before you start the motor, make sure you are ready to use the tool. You can do some home works before starting. In such a case, the manual can help you.
  • During every session, don’t forget to dress well. You must wear proper clothes, goggles, gloves, and dust shields. Whether you are working on longer or minor tasks, make sure to dress safe.
  • In the case of the smallest spark never use water, as a small amount of water can result in electric shock. Keep it away when you are cutting.
  • A sharp blade is mandatory for getting accurate cuts. So, make sure to check the blade every time you start. If you found it dull, make sure to lubricate it and keep it clean. Proper maintenance can enhance the blade’s lifetime.
  • If you are working in the crowd, always inform others that you are using a power tool. A little caution can save the life of both.
  • Avoid drinking in your workshop, and never put the glass of alcohol on your workbench. That is because alcohol intoxication is forbidden during working with power tools.
  • Above all, you must have to be concentrated while working. If an emergency comes in between, it is better to stop and lock the jigsaw.
How to Use a Cordless Jigsaw?

Final Recommendation

In brief, the cordless jigsaw is best for casual hobbyists who are happy with moderate power. If you are looking for the best quality with portability, you can rely on our top picks. We have made a list after researching for several hours. We hope you’ll get the best among them.

DEWALT DCS331B is the best pick overall according to us. It is an excellent power tool with great speed and power. Makita XVJ03Z 18V is another great option as good as this Dewalt jigsaw Ryobi 18v one+ is another great tool with a great value for money. It has a great quality at a cheap price. Do you think any of our lists are powerful and convenient? Feel free to share your experience with us. 

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Last Updated on January 22, 2022 by John G. Anderson


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